Jennifer Ford

Licensing: 112876

I am a buyer and relocation specialist with Unity Home Group. I made Alaska my home over 25 years ago, after living in 6 cities in 16 years. I understand the stresses involved in relocating a family and want to make that transition process as easy as possible. My husband and I raised our girls in the Anchorage School District, and I am a former PTA president. I have my thumb on the pulse of the ASD, and can offer expertise in the specialized opportunities that each school offers your children K-12. Alaska has so much to offer, from hunting, fishing and camping to sports, concerts and festivals. It will be my pleasure to help you find the home that launches your unique Alaska experience. I have my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management, and specialize in negotiating. If you are new to the Anchorage area or a seasoned Alaskan, if you are looking for your starter home, vacation home or luxury home…give me a call! I provide the highest level of customer service and will be your advocate as we find the perfect home for you.

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